Version 1.06 | Mar 18, 2023


Crucible is a decentralised protocol that provides monetary and non-monetary support against equity for projects with high potential.

A core limitation of current investment protocols, DAOs, Venture Capital Firms, Incubators, and Accelerators is that most of them focus on and optimise for pooling of capital and fund allocation mechanisms while non-monetary support is generally an afterthought.

By incorporating the principle of “market wisdom” for investments and non-monetary support, the Crucible protocol creates a way to dramatically increase the odds of success for protocol portfolio projects. The Market Wisdom Model is dynamic, uses collective intelligence, skin in the game and assessment of participants while ensuring that algorithm evolves and gives higher weightage to factors leading to higher returns for all participants on protocol.


People who want to convert their ideas to reality launch their own startups. Founders of these startups generally take help from their family, friends, and 1st-degree network. Soon enough most founders realise the limitations of their own network.

The help that founders seek primarily falls into the following categories: